A photo of Endangered Species Still Kept by Hobbyists

Endangered Species Still Kept by Hobbyists

In the aquarium hobby, there’s a complex and often controversial relationship with endangered species. While conservation efforts strive to protect these species, many remain popular among hobbyists. Keeping endangered species can be ethical and beneficial if done responsibly, supporting conservation through captive breeding programs and raising awareness about their plight.

Asian Arowana

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The Asian Arowana, a symbol of wealth and prosperity in many cultures, is listed as endangered due to habitat loss and overfishing. Despite this, it’s a coveted species in the aquarium trade. Captive breeding programs have made it possible for hobbyists to keep Asian Arowanas legally, helping reduce pressure on wild populations.

Banggai Cardinalfish

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Native to Indonesia, the Banggai Cardinalfish is considered endangered, primarily due to overfishing for the aquarium trade. However, they are still kept and bred by hobbyists. Captive breeding has the potential to alleviate the pressure on wild populations if managed responsibly.

Zebra Pleco

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The Zebra Pleco, with its distinctive black and white stripes, is endangered due to dam construction in its native habitat in Brazil. Despite its status, it remains a popular species among aquarium enthusiasts. Breeding programs have enabled hobbyists to keep Zebra Plecos without impacting the dwindling wild populations.

Blue-Eyed Cichlid

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This species, native to Tanzania, is endangered due to overfishing and habitat destruction. The Blue-Eyed Cichlid is still traded and kept in the aquarium hobby, and captive breeding programs have become essential for its survival.


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Axolotls are critically endangered in the wild, found only in a few lakes in Mexico. They are, however, widely bred in captivity for both the pet trade and scientific research. Keeping axolotls can contribute to their conservation, as long as it’s done in a manner that respects their needs and promotes awareness of their status.

The presence of endangered species in the aquarium hobby raises important questions about conservation and ethical pet ownership. While these species can be kept by hobbyists, it’s crucial to do so responsibly, supporting conservation efforts and sustainable practices. By choosing captive-bred individuals and educating themselves about the species’ natural habitats and conservation status, aquarium hobbyists can play a positive role in the preservation of these remarkable creatures.

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