A photo of Bichir


Bichirs are ancient and fascinating freshwater fish known for their unique appearance and prehistoric lineage. These fish are popular among aquarists for their distinctive eel-like bodies and interesting behaviors.

Key Features:

  • Species Variety: The Bichir family includes several species, such as the Senegal Bichir, Ornate Bichir, and the Dinosaur Bichir, each with its unique characteristics and striking features.
  • Habitat Needs: Bichirs thrive in well-maintained aquariums with stable water conditions. They prefer a habitat that mimics their natural environment, including sandy or soft substrates, ample hiding spots, and low lighting.
  • Behavior: Bichirs are known for their nocturnal habits and preference for the bottom of the tank. They are slow-moving and often seen resting on the substrate or exploring crevices and plants.
  • Compatibility: Generally peaceful, Bichirs can coexist with a variety of other non-aggressive tank mates. However, due to their predatory nature, they should not be housed with small fish that can fit into their mouths.

Benefits of Keeping Bichirs:

  • Unique Appearance: With their elongated, eel-like bodies and prehistoric features, Bichirs are visually striking and add a unique element to any aquarium.
  • Hardy Nature: These fish are generally hardy and adaptable, making them suitable for both novice and experienced aquarists.
  • Interesting Behaviors: Bichirs exhibit fascinating behaviors, such as their ability to breathe air using a modified swim bladder, adding dynamic interest to the aquarium environment.

Important Considerations:

  • Tank Size and Setup: Bichirs require spacious tanks, typically 200 liters or more, to accommodate their size and activity levels. A well-structured tank with plenty of hiding spots, such as caves and dense vegetation, is ideal.
  • Feeding Requirements: Bichirs are carnivorous and should be fed a diet rich in protein. They enjoy live or frozen foods such as shrimp, worms, and small fish. High-quality pellets and meaty foods should also be included in their diet.
  • Nocturnal Habits: Due to their nocturnal nature, Bichirs are most active during the night. Providing a dimly lit environment can help mimic their natural habitat and encourage natural behaviors.

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