A photo of Tenuis Acropora

Tenuis Acropora

Neptune’s rating:

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  • DifficultyDifficult
  • HardinessModerate
  • PopularityVery Popular
  • RarityRare
  • VibrancyVery Vibrant

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

More about Tenuis Acropora

The Tenuis Acropora, scientifically known as Acropora tenuis, is a species of staghorn coral belonging to the family Acroporidae. It is renowned for its delicate branching structure and vibrant coloration, making it a sought-after addition to reef aquariums worldwide.

Did you know?

Tenuis Acropora plays a crucial role in reef ecosystems, providing shelter and food for a diverse range of marine organisms, including fish and invertebrates. Additionally, it exhibits remarkable adaptability to changing environmental conditions, making it a resilient species in the face of various stressors, including climate change and ocean acidification.

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