A photo of Azure damsel

Azure damsel

Chrysiptera hemicyanea

Neptune’s rating:

  • VibrancyVery Vibrant
  • HardinessModerate
  • DifficultyModerate
  • PopularityModerate
  • RarityUncommon
  • Temperature24.0 - 28.0 °C
  • pH8.1 - 8.4
  • Liters per Fish30.0 L
  • AffordabilityAffordable
  • Conservation StatusLeast Concern
  • OriginWestern Pacific Ocean

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

More about Azure damsel

The Azure damsel (Chrysiptera hemicyanea) is characterized by its vibrant blue body and yellow underbelly. This fish is native to the Western Pacific, ranging from Indonesia to Taiwan and the Great Barrier Reef. Its distinct coloration makes it easily recognizable, featuring a slender body and a maximum size of approximately 3 inches (7.6 cm). The Azure damsel is quite popular in the aquarium hobby due to its striking colors and relative ease of care, making it a favored choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists.

Frequently asked questions

The Azure Damsel (Chrysiptera hemicyanea) and the Yellowbelly Damsel (Chrysiptera parasema) are both colorful and popular aquarium fish but differ in several ways. The Azure Damsel features a striking blue color across its body and grows up to 8 cm in length. It is semi-aggressive and thrives in reef environments with plenty of hiding spots. In contrast, the Yellowbelly Damsel has a vibrant blue body with a distinctive yellow belly and is slightly smaller, reaching about 6-7 cm. It shares a similar temperament and environmental preference with the Azure Damsel but is often noted for being slightly less aggressive, making it a bit more suitable for communal tanks. Both are hardy species, popular for their bright colors and ease of care in home aquariums.

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