A photo of Camel cowfish

Camel cowfish

Tetrosomus gibbosus

Neptune’s rating:

Check Compatibility
  • Conservation StatusNot Evaluated
  • DifficultyDifficult
  • HardinessModerate
  • Liters per Fish200 L
  • OriginIndo-west Pacific Region
  • pH8.1 - 8.4
  • PopularityUncommon
  • RarityRare
  • Temperature22.0 - 26.0 °C
  • VibrancyVibrant

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

More about Camel cowfish

The Helmet cowfish (Tetrosomus gibbosus) is distinguished by its unique, box-like shape with a prominent, rounded hump. It showcases a color palette of olive green to yellow, often with dark spots or patches. This species is native to the Indo-Pacific region, inhabiting reefs and nearby areas. In the aquarium hobby, the Helmet cowfish is relatively known but not as popular as some other marine species, partly due to its specific care requirements and potential to release toxins when stressed.

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