A photo of Striped stingaree

Striped stingaree

Trygonoptera ovalis

Neptune’s rating:

  • Conservation StatusLeast Concern
  • DifficultyDifficult
  • HardinessModerate
  • Liters per Fish150 L
  • OriginAustralia
  • pH7.5 - 8.2
  • PopularityUncommon
  • RarityVery Rare
  • Temperature18.0 - 22.0 °C
  • VibrancyDull

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

More about Striped stingaree

The Striped stingaree (Trygonoptera ovalis) is a species of stingray primarily known for its distinctive cream to pale brown color, accentuated by dark brown stripes running along its oval-shaped body. This fish is native to the shallow coastal waters off southern Australia. Characterized by its small size and the presence of a venomous spine on its tail, it is more of a subject of scientific interest than a common feature in the aquarium hobby. Its limited popularity in hobbyist circles is due to both its specialized habitat requirements and conservation concerns.

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