A photo of Talbots damsel

Talbots damsel

Chrysiptera talboti

Neptune’s rating:

  • VibrancyVibrant
  • HardinessModerate
  • DifficultyModerate
  • PopularityModerate
  • RarityRare
  • Temperature24.0 - 28.0 °C
  • pH8.1 - 8.4
  • Liters per Fish40.0 L
  • AffordabilityVery Affordable
  • Conservation StatusLeast Concern
  • OriginWestern Pacific Ocean

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

More about Talbots damsel

The Talbots damsel (Chrysiptera talboti) is a small, brightly colored reef fish predominantly featuring a vivid blue body with a yellow-orange face. Originating from the Western Pacific, particularly around the reefs of Fiji, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands, it is distinguished by its striking coloration and compact size. In the aquarium hobby, it is well-regarded for its vibrant appearance and is moderately popular among enthusiasts, especially those with reef tanks. Its manageable size and lively demeanor make it a favored choice for adding color and activity to marine aquariums.

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