A photo of Camel shrimp

Camel shrimp

Rhynchocinetes durbanensis

More about Camel shrimp

The Camel Shrimp, also known as the Hinge-Beak Shrimp or Dancing Shrimp, is known for its distinctive humpbacked appearance and vibrant red and white banded pattern. It thrives in temperatures between 24-28°C (75-82°F) and a pH range of 8.1-8.4. The Camel Shrimp reaches a maximum length of about 5 cm (2 inches) and primarily inhabits the mid to bottom levels of the tank. It has a semi-aggressive temperament, particularly towards other shrimp, and is generally not reef-safe as it may nip at corals and other invertebrates. These shrimp are relatively hardy and are commonly found in the aquarium trade. It’s recommended to keep them singly or in small groups in a tank size of at least 30 liters (8 gallons) per shrimp. 

Did you know?

Camel Shrimp are nocturnal and often hide during the day, becoming more active at night.

Neptune’s rating:

  • PopularityUncommon
  • VibrancyVibrant
  • AffordabilityModerate
  • HardinessModerate
  • Temperature18.0 - 29.0 °C
  • pH8.1 - 8.5
  • RarityUncommon

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

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