A photo of Cryptocoryne Parva

Cryptocoryne Parva

More about Cryptocoryne Parva

Cryptocoryne Parva is a small and charming aquatic plant species commonly found in Southeast Asia. It features dark green, narrow leaves that reach a height of about 5-10 centimeters. This popular aquarium plant is easy to care for, making it suitable for beginners in the hobby. It thrives best in low to medium lighting conditions and doesn't require the addition of CO2 or high nutrient levels. With its compact size and slow growth, Cryptocoryne Parva adds a touch of natural beauty to aquariums, making it an excellent choice for aquascaping projects.

Neptune’s rating:

  • CO2 RequirementMedium
  • Light RequirementLow
  • DifficultyModerate
  • Plant PositionForeground, Middleground
  • HardinessResilient

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

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