A photo of Echinodorus Martii Major

Echinodorus Martii Major

Neptune’s rating:

Check Compatibility
  • CO2 RequirementLow
  • DifficultyChallenging
  • HardinessResilient
  • Height20-40 Cm cm
  • Light RequirementMedium

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

More about Echinodorus Martii Major

The Echinodorus Martii Major is a species of aquatic plant commonly known as the Amazon sword. It features broad, elongated leaves that range in color from light to dark green, providing an attractive and vibrant appearance in aquariums. This plant is well-suited for beginners as it is relatively easy to care for and does not require the use of CO2 injection. It thrives in a range of water parameters and lighting conditions, making it adaptable to various tank setups. The Echinodorus Martii Major serves as a great addition to freshwater aquariums, adding beauty and natural aesthetics.

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