A photo of Hygrophila Polysperma

Hygrophila Polysperma

Neptune’s rating:

Check Compatibility
  • CO2 RequirementLow
  • DifficultyModerate
  • HardinessVery Hardy
  • Light RequirementMedium
  • Plant PositionBackground

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

More about Hygrophila Polysperma

Hygrophila Polysperma, commonly known as Indian waterweed, is a popular aquatic plant among aquarium enthusiasts. It features vibrant green leaves that grow in pairs along its stems. This species is relatively easy to care for, making it suitable for beginner aquarium keepers. Hygrophila Polysperma adapts well to a wide range of water conditions and lighting intensity, making it adaptable to various setups. While it can benefit from the addition of CO2, it can still thrive without it. Its quick growth rate makes it an ideal plant for creating lush backgrounds or providing shelter for small fish and invertebrates.

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