A photo of Microsorum Pteropus Java Fern Windelov

Microsorum Pteropus Java Fern Windelov

More about Microsorum Pteropus Java Fern Windelov

Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov', commonly known as Java Fern Windelov, is not a fish but a distinctive variant of the Java Fern plant, widely recognized in the aquarium hobby for its unique appearance. This aquatic plant is characterized by its dark green leaves that have intricately branched tips, resembling a bird's feather or a tree-like structure, which differentiates it from the straight-edged leaves of the standard Java Fern. It originates from Southeast Asia, thriving in a wide range of water conditions, making it a popular and easy-to-care-for choice among aquarium enthusiasts worldwide.

Neptune’s rating:

  • CO2 RequirementLow
  • Light RequirementMedium
  • DifficultyModerate
  • HardinessVery Hardy

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

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