A photo of Malay combtail

Malay combtail

Belontia hasselti

Neptune’s rating:

  • pH6.0 - 7.5
  • Temperature25.0 - 28.0 °C
  • Length5.0 - 8.0 cm
  • TemperamentSocial, Semi-aggressive
  • HardinessResilient
  • RarityUncommon
  • PopularityModerate
  • DifficultyChallenging
  • Liters per Fish38.0 L
  • Minimum School Size5.0
  • Tank HabitatSurface Dweller, Mid-tank Dweller, Bottom Dweller
  • FeedFlakes, Pellets, Bloodworms, Brine Shrimp, Tubifex Worms, Frozen Shrimp, Vegetable Matter, Algae Wafers, Color Enhancing Food, Daphnia, Micro Worms, Feeder Fish, Freeze-dried Foods, Stick-on Tablets
  • AffordabilityModerate

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

More about Malay combtail

The Malay combtail is a small, intricately patterned fish known for its beautiful coloration, typically displaying a blend of iridescent blues and greens against a darker backdrop. Originating from freshwater habitats in Malaysia, it is distinguished by its unique comb-like tail and fins that add to its aesthetic appeal. While striking in appearance, the Malay combtail is not as prominent in the aquarium hobby compared to more commonly kept species, but it does attract a niche group of enthusiasts who appreciate its beauty and distinctiveness.

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