A photo of Red shiner

Red shiner

Cyprinella lutrensis

Neptune’s rating:

Check Compatibility
  • Aggression LevelMostly Peaceful
  • Breeding AggressionSlightly More Aggressive
  • DifficultyModerate
  • HardinessModerate
  • Length6.0 - 10.0 cm
  • Liters per Fish5 L
  • Maintenance LevelLow Maintenance
  • pH6.5 - 8.0
  • PopularityModerate
  • RarityUncommon
  • Minimum School Size6
  • Tank HabitatSurface Dweller, Mid-tank Dweller, Bottom Dweller
  • Temperature15.0 - 28.0 °C
  • Territorial BehaviourModerately Territorial

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

More about Red shiner

The Red shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis) is a small freshwater fish, notable for its vibrant coloration, especially in males, which display bright red hues on their sides during breeding season. Originating from the United States, particularly in the Mississippi River basin, this species exhibits a sleek, streamlined body shape, with silver-blue to greenish tones on the upper part, blending to silver on the sides. While not as universally recognized as some aquarium species, the Red shiner has gained popularity among hobbyists for its striking appearance and relatively easy care requirements, making it a favorable choice for community tanks.

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