A photo of Rio Amaya Pencilfish

Rio Amaya Pencilfish

Nannostomus sp. Rio Amaya

Neptune’s rating:

Check Compatibility
  • AffordabilityModerate
  • Aggression LevelVery Peaceful
  • Breeding AggressionSlightly More Aggressive
  • HardinessModerate
  • Maintenance LevelLow Maintenance
  • pH7.5 - 5.5
  • PopularityModerate
  • RarityRare
  • Tank HabitatMid-tank Dweller
  • Temperature22.0 - 28.0 °C
  • Territorial BehaviourModerately Territorial

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

More about Rio Amaya Pencilfish

The Rio Amaya Pencilfish is a small, peaceful fish known for its slender body and distinctive horizontal stripes. It thrives in well-planted aquariums that mimic its natural habitat in the streams and rivers of South America.

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