A photo of Zebra loach

Zebra loach

Botia striata

Neptune’s rating:

  • pH6.0 - 7.5
  • Temperature22.0 - 28.0 °C
  • Length5.0 - 8.0 cm
  • TemperamentSocial, Social
  • HardinessResilient
  • RarityRare
  • PopularityUncommon
  • DifficultyModerate
  • Liters per Fish15.0 L
  • Minimum School Size6.0
  • Tank HabitatSurface Dweller, Mid-tank Dweller, Bottom Dweller
  • FeedFlakes, Pellets, Bloodworms, Brine Shrimp, Tubifex Worms, Frozen Shrimp, Vegetable Matter, Algae Wafers, Color Enhancing Food, Daphnia, Micro Worms, Feeder Fish, Freeze-dried Foods, Stick-on Tablets
  • AffordabilityModerate

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

More about Zebra loach

The Zebra loach, known for its distinctive striped pattern reminiscent of a zebra, features a combination of dark and light stripes running horizontally along its body. This freshwater fish is native to the slow-moving rivers and streams of India. It has a slender, elongated body shape that adds to its visual appeal. In the aquarium hobby, the Zebra loach is quite popular due to its striking appearance, peaceful nature, and ability to help control snail populations, making it a favored choice among enthusiasts.

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