A photo of The Best Tank Mates for Goldfish

The Best Tank Mates for Goldfish

Last updated on 01-10-2024

Keeping an aquarium is a rewarding hobby, and goldfish are among the most popular freshwater fish species for both beginners and experienced aquarists. However, one of the first things to consider when setting up a goldfish tank is the type of goldfish you're keeping and the potential tank mates. Goldfish come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and temperaments, and understanding these differences can help you choose the best companions for your aquarium.

Goldfish varieties include Comet, Fantail, Oranda, Shubunkin, and Ranchu. Some of these goldfish are fast swimmers with streamlined bodies, while others are slower and more delicate, such as the fancy varieties with flowing fins and ornamental features. Interestingly, you can often mix and match different types of goldfish in the same tank, as long as their swimming speeds and care requirements align. For example, faster goldfish like Comets and Shubunkins do well together, while slower, more delicate goldfish like Orandas and Fantails are better kept with other fancy goldfish to avoid competition for food.

Now that we’ve covered goldfish compatibility within their species, let's explore what fishes can be kept with goldfish and other aquatic creatures that can live with them peacefully.

White Cloud Mountain Minnows

A school of white cloud minnows

One of the best tank mates for goldfish is the White Cloud Mountain Minnow. These small, peaceful fish thrive in similar water conditions as goldfish, with a preference for cooler water temperatures. Their small size and fast swimming make them ideal companions for fancy goldfish that are slower and less aggressive. White Cloud Mountain Minnows are hardy and enjoy swimming in schools, which can add a dynamic element to the tank.

Bristlenose Plecostomus

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The Bristlenose Plecostomus is a great choice for helping keep the tank clean while coexisting peacefully with goldfish. Unlike the common pleco, which can grow quite large, the bristlenose pleco remains relatively small (around 12-15 cm) and is known for its algae-eating abilities. They enjoy hiding spaces and are typically active during the evening, making them an ideal non-intrusive companion for your goldfish. Just make sure there are enough hiding spots and the tank is large enough to accommodate both species.

Zebra Danios

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Zebra Danios are another excellent tank mate for goldfish, especially for those with more active and fast-swimming varieties like Comets and Shubunkins. These small, hardy fish can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, making them well-suited for goldfish tanks. Zebra Danios are fast swimmers, which helps them avoid any overly curious goldfish. They also prefer to be kept in groups, so having a small school of them will add color and movement to your goldfish tank.

Rosy Barbs

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Rosy Barbs are a larger, peaceful fish species that can make good tank mates for goldfish, particularly in larger tanks. They share the same preference for cooler water and are generally not aggressive. Rosy Barbs are active swimmers and should be kept in groups of five or more to prevent them from becoming fin-nippers. This is important if you have fancy goldfish with long, flowing fins, as barbs can occasionally become tempted by these delicate features if they are not kept in sufficient numbers.

Hillstream Loach

The Hillstream Loach is an interesting choice for a goldfish tank. These small, algae-eating fish are peaceful and love to cling to rocks or the glass of the aquarium, using their sucker-like mouths to graze on algae. They enjoy similar cool water conditions as goldfish and do a fantastic job of helping to keep the tank clean. Their calm nature and non-intrusive behavior make them excellent companions for goldfish.

Dojo Loach (Weather Loach)

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The Dojo Loach, also known as the Weather Loach, is another excellent addition to a goldfish tank. These loaches are active and playful, often wriggling around the substrate or gently burrowing. Like goldfish, Dojo Loaches prefer cooler water temperatures and are hardy fish that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. They are peaceful and get along well with goldfish, but due to their size and activity level, they are best suited for larger tanks (at least 75 liters).

Apple Snails

If you're looking for a non-fish companion, Apple Snails are a great option. These large, colorful snails are easy to care for and won’t bother your goldfish. Apple Snails help keep the tank clean by feeding on leftover food, algae, and plant matter. They are peaceful and, unlike some smaller snails, are large enough to avoid being eaten by curious goldfish. Just be cautious, as they may consume delicate plants in the aquarium.

Ghost Shrimp

Ghost Shrimp can be a fun and functional addition to a goldfish tank. These small, transparent shrimp are excellent scavengers, helping to clean up uneaten food and organic debris. Ghost Shrimp are relatively low-maintenance and will generally stay out of the way of your goldfish. However, it’s important to note that some goldfish may view the shrimp as a snack, so providing hiding places like plants or caves is essential.

Tank Mates to Avoid

While goldfish are generally peaceful, not all fish make good tank mates. Avoid placing tropical species that require warmer water in the same tank, as goldfish thrive in cooler environments. Additionally, aggressive or fin-nipping species, like tiger barbs or bettas, are not suitable for goldfish tanks, as they can stress or injure the goldfish. Lastly, smaller species, such as guppies or neon tetras, may be at risk of being accidentally eaten by larger goldfish.

Final Thoughts

When selecting tank mates for goldfish, always consider the size, temperament, and water requirements of each species. Goldfish are peaceful and social, but they need ample space and compatible companions to thrive. Mixing goldfish varieties can be a fun way to add diversity to your tank, and with the right choices, you can create a vibrant, harmonious aquatic community that complements your goldfish's beauty and personality.

By choosing the right tank mates, your goldfish tank can be a lively, peaceful environment for both your goldfish and their companions.

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