A photo of Clown Killifish

Clown Killifish

Epiplatys annulatus

Neptune’s rating:

  • pH6.0 - 7.5
  • Temperature20.0 - 28.0 °C
  • Length2.0 - 6.0 cm
  • TemperamentSocial, Semi-aggressive
  • HardinessModerate
  • RarityUncommon
  • PopularityPopular
  • DifficultyModerate
  • Liters per Fish10.0 L
  • Minimum School Size5.0
  • Tank HabitatSurface Dweller, Mid-tank Dweller, Bottom Dweller
  • FeedFlakes, Pellets, Bloodworms, Brine Shrimp, Tubifex Worms, Frozen Shrimp, Vegetable Matter, Algae Wafers, Color Enhancing Food, Daphnia, Micro Worms, Feeder Fish, Freeze-dried Foods, Stick-on Tablets
  • AffordabilityModerate

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

More about Clown Killifish

The Clown Killifish, originating from West Africa, is a small, vibrant fish known for its striking coloration. Characterized by its blue body adorned with bold, vertical stripes and a flamboyant tail resembling a clown's attire, it is indeed a visual delight. Popular among aquarium enthusiasts, this species is well-regarded in the hobby for its unique appearance and peaceful demeanor, making it a favored choice for community tanks.

Did you know?

Clown Killifish are known for their ability to “hover” in the water, staying almost motionless as they watch for food or interact with tank mates.

Frequently asked questions

For a 5-gallon (about 19 liters) tank, you could comfortably keep a small group of Clown Killifish. Considering the space needed for swimming and the territorial nature of fish, a group of 3 to 4 Clown Killifish would be appropriate for a tank of this size. This allows enough room for each fish to establish its territory and for you to create a well-structured environment with plants and hiding spaces, mimicking their natural habitat.

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