A photo of Tinfoil barb

Tinfoil barb

Barbonymus schwanenfeldii

Neptune’s rating:

Check Compatibility
  • AffordabilityModerate
  • Aggression LevelMostly Peaceful
  • Breeding AggressionSlightly More Aggressive
  • Conservation StatusLeast Concern
  • DifficultyModerate
  • HardinessModerate
  • Length15.0 - 30.0 cm
  • Liters per Fish75 L
  • Maintenance LevelModerate Maintenance
  • pH6.0 - 7.5
  • PopularityPopular
  • RarityUncommon
  • Minimum School Size6
  • Tank HabitatSurface Dweller, Mid-tank Dweller, Bottom Dweller
  • Temperature24.0 - 28.0 °C
  • Territorial BehaviourMildly Territorial

Please note: These values are based on the average of various confirmed sources.

More about Tinfoil barb

The Tinfoil barb, native to Southeast Asia, is a large, silver-colored fish recognized for its shimmering body reminiscent of aluminum foil. Featuring red fins and a streamlined body, it is a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts for its striking appearance and active behavior. Well-known in the hobby, this species requires spacious tanks to accommodate its size and social nature.

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